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Ten Days In

Goodbye 2022 . . .

Here we are again, dear readers.

The beginning of a new year, and goodbye to the old one.

But we don’t really say goodbye, do we? At least, we shouldn’t until we look back and understand what it brought to us. I don’t intend to do that here, nor do I want to tell you how to do it. We all have our own way of gazing back and then doing a 180 and looking forward.

I will say, though, that 2022 had lows (health concerns from April to the present regarding my father) and highs (publishing my first novel in October . . . see below). And other dips, hills, nooks and crannies in between.

As I look ahead, I plan to release my second novel this year; and a fun, new devotional in 2024. (Hint: have you ever considered Adam and Eve’s wardrobe? Be watching . . . )



One Word

Do you choose One Word at the beginning of a new year, as I do? The idea is to choose a word that God brings to your mind, and then build your year’s activities around that word. It’s a great way to focus your goals and devise your schedule. I try to make every activity–whether it’s writing, teaching, or learning–feed into that One Word.

This year, my One Word is . . .


Unfortunately, no, not chocolate!

2 Timothy 1:6 says: Stir up the gift of God which is in you . . .

I’ve been thinking about that gift. At first, after I chose this word for 2023, I thought it was the gift/talent God has given me to write. But now I think that’s too narrow a definition. There’s another Gift I’ve been given that over-arches any human talent in my arsenal.

That Gift is the Holy Spirit. God Himself.

If I don’t have Him, I have nothing.

So as I proceed day by day, week by week throughout this new year, I will seek ways to stir up the gift which is in me . . . through writing, editing, teaching, and being taught–always putting Him first in my day. Sound like a plan?



As I close this blog post, I want to let you know something . . .

E X C I T I N G!

Check this out:


Several bloggers are reading or have read my debut novel, and will share about it on their websites. I’m excited to share this with you, and you will receive more info about it. I hope you check out the fantastic website–you can click on the banner if you want.

That’s it for now. Keep in touch, please . . . I love hearing from you.

Oh, and stay tuned for the release of my second novel, No Tomorrows, sometime later this year . . . I’ll let Pastor Mike have the last word in this post. Blessings to you!






2 responses to “Ten Days In”

  1. Kay DiBianca says:

    Excited for the release of “The Master’s Inn” Deb!

    For the first time, I’ve chosen a word for this year. It’s “Faithfulness.”

    “Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you;
    bind them around your neck;
    write them on the tablet of your heart.
    So you will find favor and good success
    in the sight of God and man.” — Proverbs 3:3-4

    • Deb Gorman says:

      I love that verse, Kay, and your word.

      “Stir” came to me when I was doing my daily Bible reading around October something-or-other, and I couldn’t get the word out of my mind. I decided it was God telling me that was my word. So, I’ll be looking for ways to “stir the pot” of His work in my life, and then pass it on.

      Thanks for reading and commenting, my friend!


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